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Dealing with a realtionship breakup may be difficult, but it’s not impossible to do. With a little courage and proper guidance, anyone can shed away the load of emotional burden and move forward in life feeling lighter and refreshed. The thoughts of being rejected by someone may harm your self-esteem for some time, but being determined and having faith and confidence in yourself will help in overcoming these low self-esteem feelings with the passing of time.

Before moving on further in your life, please confirm that the relationship has actually ceased to exist. Many times, couples break up after fights and misbehave with each other. Knowing your own emotions may help you in deciding whether it’s off forever or not. If yes, its time to move forward in life and make a fresh start all over again.

•Get rid of all the old stuff, return back all the gifts and cards, and clothing etc. you received during happier times from your ex. Returning stuff will make you feel good and the other person will also be assured of your honesty and genuine thinking.

•Cease all communication with your ex. It is highly important to maintain your dignity at this time. It is a crucial phase as many people lose their self esteem and behave in impractical ways after a break up. Not responding to the calls, messages and emails of your ex will convey a strong message that you are no longer attached to them or interested in them. It will also improve your dignity and will help you in recovering faster from the after break up sadness.

•Get together with trusted friends and family members to see the brighter side of life. Don’t bore them with your own depression, instead try to discus your feelings with them. Some of your family and friends may be able to show you better ways to cope up with depressing thoughts. Being in the company of your loved ones will boost your morale and further reduce chances of your depression.

•Continually try learning new things, and also help others regularly. Both of these things will help you to feel better about yourself. Give your feelings time and see how everything becomes normal once again.

Importantly, as you move forward, don’t take with you the baggage of the past. Move on, be strong, and find love again.