beat blackjack game

How to Win at Blackjack with Card Counting

5 November 2023

Blackjack is one of the most popular and exciting casino games, where the player tries to beat the dealer by getting a hand closer to 21 than the dealer, without going over. Blackjack is also a game of skill, where the player can use various strategies to improve their chances of winning. [...]

Optimizing Bets for Better Odds on Blackjack Switch

26 October 2023

Blackjack, often hailed as the king of card games, has captivated the hearts of gamblers for generations. And in its modern variants, Blackjack Switch stands out, offering an intriguing twist to traditional play. Players are dealt two hands instead of one and have the tantalizing option [...]

Mastering Casino Odds: Decoding Land-Based vs. Online Opportunities

28 August 2023

The world of casinos is a realm of chance and strategy, where understanding the odds can significantly impact your gaming experience. Whether you’re stepping into the opulence of a land-based casino or engaging with the dynamic world of online platforms, comprehending casino odds is [...]

Always Split Aces When Playing Blackjack

7 February 2023

Blackjack is a popular casino game that has been around for centuries. Despite its longevity, the game has evolved over the years, and it’s important for players to keep up with the latest developments to increase their chances of winning. This blog post will provide you with some power [...]

An Online Casino Offers Fun For All

28 January 2013

Everyone who plays at Redbet casino enters the loyalty program and receives great offers and bonuses every month - in addition to all other giveaways. [...]

Blackjack Card Counting – Hi / Lo System

23 December 2007

I promised in my Blackjack Basic Strategy article to give some basic advice about card counting going forward. There are a large number of blackjack card counting systems and opportunities, and I’ll try to cover different derivatives. In this article, I’d like to introduce one [...]

Blackjack Basic Strategy

17 December 2007

As you’ll read elsewhere in this blog, I’m banned from all UK land-based casinos. I was never given an official reason, although it was hinted at that I might be considered a “card counter”. Note: I didn’t say that, the casinos “assumed” it. Oh [...]